Caroline York
I studied at the University of East Anglia qualifiying in 1998. I presently work at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, and opened my own practice in 2020. I have worked in private practice since 2017.
Within the NHS I work as the Clinical Lead for Hips and as an Extended Scope Practitioner in Orthopaedic clinic specialising in orthopaedic management for hips and knee. This allows provides me with in depth knowledge around diagnosis, post operative procedures, role of X rays, scans and injection therapies particularly around lower limb conditions.Working in private practice allows me to develop my particular interest in Acupuncture and rehabiliatation of all musculoskeletal conditions (upper and lower limb) and really enjoy educating and empowering you to optimise your musculoskeletal health.
All treatments are personalised and tailored to your goals.I have an interest in Aromatherapy and since completing my Diploma I have developed and sell therapeutic Reed Diffusers.
I am also an adovcate for sport by supporting the charity Power Up to Play ( a charity helping reduce knee injuries in grassroot sports). I am a children's running coach and personally enjoy running, yoga, cycling and weight training.


Chris Condon
I qualified as a Bachelor of Science, with First-Class Honours, from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2021. Since then, I have worked for Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, and continue to do so.
My current role is that of a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, working in a busy Outpatients Department. Prior to this, I worked within a range of specialities, including Trauma and Orthopaedics, Stroke Rehabilitation and working in the community setting.
My previous experience within Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy was primarily lower limb focused, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I have since transitioned into a new role, which has seen me take on more of an upper limb focused caseload, while simultaneously allowing me to continue treating patients with both lower limb and spinal conditions. This has allowed me to hone my skills by assessing and treating patients with a wide variety of conditions.
I have a special interest in both the lower limb and shoulder rehab, but due to my varied caseload and my work in the private sector, I am able to apply my knowledge and passion for rehab to all areas of the body, via a range of modalities, including, exercise prescription, joint mobilisations and soft tissue massage. Whether you are somebody requiring support to get back to completing activities of daily living, or are a high-level athlete, aiming to get back in to sport, I would take great pleasure in assisting you along your journey. I myself am a healthy individual who understands both the physical and mental demands of day to day life.
Outside of my NHS and private work as a Physiotherapist, I enjoy keeping busy via a mixture of resistance and cardiovascular training in the gym.
I am a current member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, which is the professional, educational and trade union body for Physiotherapists practicing in the UK. This provides me with access to online journals and learning portals, which is one of the many ways, I ensure I am up to date with the latest professional guidelines and the most relevant and up to date evidence based practices.